Theology Videos

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on Moral Government Theology

Harry Conn Sermons






Jesse Morrell Counterfeit Series, Sharing Faith Conference, YWAM Series, EEM, Calvinism Refuted, Open Theism, Augustine, God Alone Saves is Unbiblical, Preach Free Will to Convict Sinners,




Beyond Augustine is a church history and theological documentary that examines the free will debate in light of the Early Church and the Gnostics. Did Augustine corrupt the church with Manichean or Gnostic doctrine? Is Calvinism or Reformed Theology really orthodox and historic Christianity, as Calvinists claim? Or are the Calvinists and Augustinians the spiritual descendants of the Gnostics and Manicheans? Were the Pelagians really the heretics in their free will debate with Augustine? These are the type of controversial questions Jesse Morrell examines in this documentary.



The Early Church Before Augustine on Free Will and Original Sin by Winkie Pratney

Winkie Pratney lectures on Augustinianism, Pelagianism, and the Early Church regarding free will and original sin. What did early Christianity, or the early Christians, believe on these issues? Is Calvinism really historic Christianity as Calvinists claim?


Augustine and his Doctrine of Original Sin by Winkie Pratney

Winkie Pratney lectures on Augustine’s doctrine of original sin. Is sin ethical or metaphysical? Is sin a choice or a substance? Why do babies grow up to be sinners?

These theological lectures by Gordon C. Olson are second to none. The content spoken in this series is absolute gold. I challenge everyone to listen to one lecture every night for the next 30 days. If you do, you will receive awesome teaching that is better than most hear in the average Seminary or Bible College. In 30 days you can hear better teaching than many hear in 4 years of a Christian University… 


These theological lectures by Gordon C. Olson are second to none. The content spoken in this series is absolute gold. I challenge everyone to listen to one lecture every night for the next 30 days. If you do, you will receive awesome teaching that is better than most hear in the average Seminary or Bible College. In 30 days you can hear better teaching than many hear in 4 years of a Christian University… 

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on Moral Government Theology