How to Refute Atheism & Defend Theism by Jesse Morrell


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How to Refute Atheism & Defend Theism 

By Jesse Morrell


  1. Atheism: The belief that there is no God. Some atheists will say that they do not make the absolute claim that there is no God, but only that they have not seen enough evidence or proof that there is a God. They claim that they have not been presented with sufficient reasons to believe in His existence.
  1. Theism: The belief that there is a God who created all things.
  1. Presupposition: That which is supposed, assumed, or taken for granted beforehand or from the onset.
  1. Axiomatic: That which is self-evident. That which is taken for granted or presupposed by all, based upon an intrinsic merit. An axiom, maxim, statement, or principle which is assumed by all as a first truth of reason.
  1. Syllogism: A deductive scheme of formal argument or reasoning consisting in a major and a minor premise and a conclusion.
  1. Fallacy: An unsound syllogism or line of reasoning. An argument which is contrary to the laws of logic. A deceptive and misleading line of reasoning.
  1. Axiology: The study of values and judgments especially as it relates to ethics.
  1. Metaphysics: The study of the fundamental or essential nature of reality.
  1. Epistemology: The study or theories of the nature and grounds of knowledge, especially with reference to its validity and limits.
  1. Empiricism: A particular epistemological theory that states that all knowledge is acquired by, and limited to, the five senses of touch, taste, sight, hearing, and smell. It is a perspective that states only the physical or material world exists.
  1. Theodicy: The defense of the character and ways of God, especially in reference to His goodness in light of the existence of evil.
  1. Arbitrary: That which is without sufficient reason. That which is based solely upon the mere will of a being, independent of any rational from his mind.
  1. Finite: That which has limitations, particularly the limitations of a beginning and end.
  1. Infinite: That which has no limitations, particularly that which is without the limitations of a beginning and end.
  1. Transcendent: That which exceeds, surpasses, or lies above and beyond the natural limitations of the material world.


  1. Atheists often misrepresent and slander the character of God. It is often necessary to engage in theodicy when reasoning with them.

a.       Do not be afraid to study the strongest arguments atheists have against God, as these are the most necessary to be refuted.

i. Atheists often charge that the God of the Bible endorsed and promoted slavery, genocide, etc.

ii. Study the Bible intensely, therefore, to see what the Bible says about these things.

1)      Genocide is the murder of a people group based upon their ethnicity. God’s judgment upon people is based upon their ethics. The destruction of cities and people was not because of the color of their skin but because of the corruption of their sin(Exo. 23:23; Lev. 18:28-29). God’s destruction of people groups was therefore not genocide.

2)      Slavery in Babylon was used by God as a temporary punishment upon Israel, which is certainly a more merciful punishment than total annihilation, as annihilation would exclude the possibility of the nation of Israel surviving, being delivered, and ultimately repenting and being restored back into a right relationship with God, but their slavery as a punishment would not exclude these. And God delivered them from the unjust slavery and oppression they suffered in Egypt (Exo. 3:9). There was no bankruptcy option in the legal system of the Jews, so if a person had a large debt that they could not pay they were punished with indentured servitude for six years and then released on the seven year of jubilee (Ex. 21:2). Though slaves were not viewed as economic equals to their masters, they were equals in regards to their intrinsic value. The Bible says that if a man sheds another man’s blood, his blood should be shed (Gen. 9:6; Ex. 21:12, 20).  It was an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. By teaching that the master who kills his slave should be put to death, it was presupposed that the master was the equal of the slave. And it was forbidden in Jewish law to steal a man and sell him into slavery. It was an offense punishable by death (Ex. 21:16).

b.      Sometimes it may be a misunderstanding of the character of God that keeps an atheist back from submitting, serving, and worshipping Him.

i. Therefore, believers ought to study the Scriptures diligently to know and understand the good character and just ways of God, in order to properly and adequately defend Him from the attacks of the world.

  1. When seeking to engage in an intellectual discussion or debate with an atheist, it is good to be familiar with the laws of logic and the various logical fallacies that exist.

a.       A simple search on the internet on this issue will provide you with an array of sufficient examples to become familiar with the laws of logic and fallacies. There are exhaustive books on the subject for a more thorough study. Asa Mahan has a good book on logic. An entire lecture may be dedicated strictly to this topic in the future.

b.      As we are commanded to love God with all of our minds, and view our intelligence as a great gift endowed to us by our Creator and as one of the great privileges we have being made in God’s image, Christians therefore ought to seek to be the most educated people in society.

i. Atheists have prided themselves as being intellectuals while Christians have been categorized as believers in blind faith. This ought to be shown by our behavior and speech as utterly fallacious, slanderous, and out right false.

  1. It is important to analyze a discussion with any unbeliever to see if you are on the offensive or the defensive. It is necessary for a believer to both defend the faith and to attack that which is contrary to it, but you must be mindful not to let an atheist keep you in the defensive the entire time, as their position is the weakest one of all and ought to be exposed as such.

a.       Example: Atheists often claim that Christianity is a crutch.

i. Atheists charge that Christians are simple minded people who need to believe in life after death in order to deal with the harshness of reality. Christians, they claim, are unwilling to wake up to the harsh reality that there is no God. In responding to this charge, a Christian is on the defensive.

ii. After addressing the charge of the atheist, it is possible for a Christian to counter argue that atheism itself is a crutch. Atheists are individuals who, admittedly, do not want a supreme being to rule over their lives. It is convenient for them, therefore, to argue against the existence of such a rightful ruler and conducive to their lifestyle to reject the notions of a Law-giver, Judge, Judgment Day, eternal hell, etc. It can be said that they are unwilling to wake up to the reality that there is a God who has a rightful claim on their lives, who is worthy of our worship and service, and who will judge their lives. In stating such, the Christian is on the offensive.

1)      If the atheist’s presupposition is that a belief is shown to be wrong if it shown to be a crutch, then their own system has been shown to be wrong.

b.      Example: Atheists claim that religion has killed more people and has caused more wars than anything else.

i. The Christian would be on the defensive by stating that atheists are exaggerating, as it’s estimated that 200,000 died in the crusades, at most 200,000 died in the European and American witch hunts, and around 2,000 people were killed in the inquisitions, etc.

ii. The Christian would be on the offensive by stating that atheism has killed millions, particularly through the Soviet Union, as atheism was one of their fundamental beliefs. The atheistic Soviet Union murdered 61,000,000 people!

1) If the atheist’s presupposition is that a belief is wrong if it ultimately leads to war and death, then their own belief is consequently shown to be wrong. You can turn their presupposition against their own system.

iii. There were 6,000,000 people killed in the holocaust because they were viewed as lesser evolved by the Nazi’s who held to their evolutionary notion of an Arian, supreme, higher evolved raced.  Evolutionists have killed more people than those killed in the name of Christianity.

iv.            In these examples of the argument atheists advance against the Christian faith, they are presupposing an absolute moral truth – that killing is wrong – which their particular worldview provides no basis for. There is no basis in atheism for the authority of “thou shalt not kill” since there is no infinite or transcendent mind who says so, and especially because the intrinsic value of human well-being cannot be accounted for by our being created in the image of God. If we are the random and meaningless accidents of the universe, why is it wrong to kill on another? This is an example of a Christian taking the offensive position.

c.       Do not be so preoccupied with answering the attacks of an atheist that you never get to expose the foundation of his worldview as insufficient and faulty. If you allow it, an atheist will keep you on the defensive so that you their own foundation and worldview is never challenged or critiqued.

i.      The arguments of atheists will continue to come against God and against Christianity unless it is shown that they have no ground to stand upon. Therefore, a defensive approach will only be useful if it is coupled with an offensive approach as well.

4.      There many questions respecting God which we will never be able to fully answer, but this does not necessarily mean that there is no God, for you would expect that if an infinite God existed there would be many things about Him that we cannot fully comprehend or explain.

Further, God’s mind is infinite and He may have good and sufficient reasons for doing what He does, which our finite minds in their present form are not fully capable of understanding. This too is what you would expect from an infinite mind far superior to our own.

5.      In reality or from the Christian perspective, it is impossible for atheists to exist according to their own definition.

a.       They claim that an atheist is merely someone who hasn’t encountered enough evidence or sufficient reasons to believe in the existence of God. They pretend to be unbiased individuals who would believe in God if they were presented with proof of His existence.

b.      The knowledge of God’s existence is an inescapable revelation in this world.

i. “…The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world” (Ps. 19:1-4).

ii. “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools…” (Rom. 1:18-22).

iii. Everything we see is proof that there is a God. This will be further explained later in this lecture.

iv. Atheists are, therefore, liars in the truest sense. They claim that they do not believe in God, but in their heart of hearts they know He exists. They claim that they haven’t encountered enough evidence or sufficient reasons to believe in God, but in reality they have suppressed the inescapable knowledge of God’s existence.

v. An atheist is someone who knows that there is a God but who doesn’t want to serve Him.

vi. I know from personal experience that atheists believe in the existence of God because I have seen them get mad at Him! Who is really the unreasonable one; the one who believes in a God that he cannot see, or the one who is angry at a God he doesn’t believe in?

6.      Atheists try to say that belief in God ought to be a logical conclusion, and that they haven’t concluded God’s existences because they haven’t been presented with sufficient reasons for doing so, when the Bible establishes theism as a presupposition or first truth. The Bible nowhere tries to prove the existence of God. Rather, Genesis 1:1 presupposes God as axiomatic. The existence of God is a necessary starting point or presupposition, as will be explained in greater detail later on in this lecture.

a.       Belief in God cannot truly be a logical conclusion, as the existence of God is necessary for the existence of logic. What is logic but the laws which ought to govern our thinking? And what basis or origin can there be for these absolute laws, other than the infinite mind of God? Finite minds cannot be the origin or basis for the absolute and universal laws of logic by virtue of their finiteness. Our logical minds could not have been caused by an unintelligent cause, as then the effects would be greater than the cause.  God is, therefore, a necessary presupposition. The existence of God is the necessary starting point for any logical discussion, as His divine mind is the basis for logic itself. There is a sense in which it is possible to logically conclude that there is a God, in that it is logical to believe in God’s existence; however, logic itself cannot be accounted for apart from the existence of God. More on this will be explained later.


  1. All major worldviews have three major categories within which we are to launch our attack.

a.       Metaphysics: Their theory of the nature of reality.

b.      Epistemology: Their theory of knowledge.

c.       Axiology: Their theory of ethics.

  1. In seeking to refute atheism, we must not abandon our Christian worldview or act contrary to it.

a. We must not adopt their perspective of themselves, that they haven’t enough reasons or evidences to believe in God, and thus try to reason with them merely on an evidential level. Our worldview says that they are without excuse because of the inescapable revelation God has already given them of Himself.

i. Argumentation on a purely evidential level will be futile and endless, as all evidence that is presented will be reinterpreted by the presuppositions of their own world view.

ii. For example: An atheist can look at the similarities there are between different species of animals and concludes that they had a common ancestor from which they evolved. A theist will look at the similarities of various species and conclude that they had a common designer. The same exact fact is interpreted by each person’s presupposition to fit their particular worldview.

iii. “Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him” (Prov. 26:4).

b.      We must hold fast to our faith, specifically Genesis 1:1, and affirm God to be a necessary presupposition or starting point for any intelligible system of thought.

  1. A worldview or system of thought needs to internally critiqued.

a.       An external critique is when you challenge someone else’s worldview using the premise and propositions of your own worldview.

i. For example, arguing, “I do not believe in Hinduism because the Bible says…”

ii. An external critique may give you as a Christian a reason not to accept someone else’s view, but it does not give the Hindu a reason not to, as the Bible is not the authority that they recognize.

b. An internal critique is when you take for granted, for the sake of argument, someone else’s presuppositions and critiques their worldview from inside of it.

i. By adopting their premise, show them that the logical conclusions that can be drawn from that premise are absurd. Take their system to a conclusion which you know they will not be willing to accept, but show that this conclusion is inevitable given their premise. This method is called “reductio ad absurdum” or “reduce to absurdity.”

1)      An example of an internal critique that reduces a position to absurdity is found in the logical reasoning of the Apostle Paul. He took for granted, for the sake of argument, a false presupposition and took it to a conclusion that he knew they would be unwilling to accept: “But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen: and if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain” (1 Cor. 15:13).

ii. By assuming their presuppositions, point out their systemic contradictions.

1)      For example, an atheist might say, “I cannot believe in anything unless I see it. If it cannot be observed, I cannot believe in it.” Well, how did they come to this realization that all knowledge must come through observation? Such a principle is conceptual and therefore cannot be observed itself. So if all knowledge is to be acquired by observation, how was the knowledge of this principle acquired? It could not have been acquired by observation, seeing that this concept is immaterial, and yet still they hold to it. This is a systemic contradiction within their system.

iii. By taking for granted their presuppositions, show them that their system is self-refuting – that it cannot stand on its own foundation and that it destroys itself.

1)      For example, the notion that “truth is relative” is a self-defeating position. If truth is relative, then that statement is relative, which means that there is room for absolute truth. The proposition defeats itself. If truth is relative, than relativism is relative, which means relativism is not absolutely true.

iv. “Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit” (Prov. 26:5).

v. We are not to take for granted their presuppositions to try to prove our own worldview, as this would never work, but rather to take their presuppositions to disprove their own worldview. That is, we are not to try to prove Christianity to the unbeliever by assuming that their epistemology, metaphysics, or axiology are accurate and providing to them arguments based upon their requirements. Rather, we are to assume their presuppositions or step into their shoes and look out through their eyes, in order to show that their own system is faulty and false. Then we are to show that our own worldview is consistent within itself which they would see, if they adopted our own presuppositions.

1)      For example, an atheist presupposes the epistemology of empiricism. Since the atheist has established his own senses as the ultimate authority by which he tests all things and through which he claims all knowledge is acquired, should we try to prove God to him using empiricism? No, his epistemology is unchristian and even anti-God, since from the onset it establishes the boundaries to the material only and thus excludes even the possibility of the immaterial God. So instead of trying to prove the existence of God by adopting his presupposition, and thus answering a fool according to His folly and becoming like him, we should adopt his presuppositions and use them to show his own system to be faulty. We should show him that empiricism destroys itself as an epistemology, and thus answering a fool according to his folly lest he be wise in his own conceits. More on this will be explained through greater examples soon.

  1. The presuppositions of an atheist need to be challenged through internal critiques, showing that they are self-defeating, reduced to absurdity, contradictory, insufficient, and utterly groundless.

a.       There are many things which an atheist takes for granted which they have no right to do so, granted their worldview.

i. METAPHYSICAL CRITIQUE: An atheist takes for granted his own sentient existence. Apart from an infinite sentient first cause, how can he account for his own finite sentient existence? It is a matter of fact or a first truth of reason that what is finite requires a cause, and that a cause must be equal to or greater than its effect. This is the established scientific law of cause and effect. Cause and effect is a law of logic. Our sentient existence is finite as it had a beginning and therefore required a cause. How then does an atheist account for his own sentient existence? As consciousness is greater than unconsciousness, unconsciousness cannot be the cause of consciousness. Our first cause cannot, therefore, be anything that is unconscious. But as atheists reject the notion of an infinite sentient being who created us, what adequate first cause of consciousness can they suggest? If there is no infinite sentient God, the consciousness of an atheist cannot be accounted for.

ii. EPISTEMOLOGICAL AND METAPHYSICAL CRITIQUE: An atheist takes for granted His own intelligence and He launches His attacks against God by the use (or misuse) of His reason and logic. But how can he account for the existence of these things granted his presupposition that there is no God? The Christian can account for the intelligence of man by stating that we have been made in the image of God. However, the atheist cannot give such an account for human intelligence.

1)      Intelligence cannot come from non-intelligence, as that would mean the effect is greater than its cause. What adequate cause of intelligence can the atheistic worldview provide? All that has a beginning must have a cause. Human existence and consequently human intelligence had a starting point. Therefore, it must have had a cause. But if there was no intelligence in the beginning, how could intelligence come about? There would be no adequate cause to bring about its existence! God’s existence is therefore a necessary presupposition for the existence of intelligibility.

2)      Reason and logic have no adequate cause or source of origin in the atheistic worldview, as we were not made in the image of a reasonable and logical God. Where did man’s reason come from in their view? What, besides a reasonable Creator, can be the adequate cause of rationality within man? It is unreasonable for an atheist to even believe in reason, given his presupposition that there is no God. He has no right to believe in reason as he cannot provide the necessary foundation of it.

3)      If an atheist is going to limit himself to his five senses, or empiricism, he has no right to use or believe in the laws of logic. Empiricism says only what is material exists and if we cannot experience it with our five senses, we cannot affirm its existence. The laws of logic are not material but are immaterial. We cannot experience the laws of logic with our five senses. They are conceptual, an idea or thought of the mind. Therefore, an empiricist or an atheist cannot use the laws of logic since according to their own system the laws of logic do not exist!

4)      If an atheist is going to limit himself to empiricism and claim that only the physical world exist, then how can an atheist believe in any thoughts or ideas at all? Thoughts or ideas are not physical objects. They cannot be examined with any of the five senses. Thoughts and ideas are immaterial. Yet if an atheist claims that only the physical exists, then nothing immaterial exists. In this case the atheist has essentially argued that thoughts and ideas must either be physical objects, which is absurd, or that thoughts and ideas do not exist, which is even more absurd!

Empiricism is a thought or a notion which states only what is physical exists and can be known. Empiricism itself is not a physical object and therefore, according to its own standard, it cannot exist or be known!

The notion of empiricism itself is an immaterial thought, and therefore, the notion that only the physical world exists is refuted by the existence of the immaterial idea of empiricism. In other words, the existence of the thought of empiricism refutes the point of empiricism. The existence of the thought refutes the point of the thought. It would be equivalent to saying, “I do not think that thoughts exist.” If you think that thoughts do not exist, then apparently thoughts do exist. So your thought, that there are no such things as thoughts, is proven wrong by the existence of your thought.

iii. EPISTEMOLOGICAL CRITIQUE: An atheist takes for granted the accuracy of his five senses and empiricism.

1)      In almost all that we do, we take for granted that our five senses are accurate. In order for an atheist to show up at a debate, he has to assume this. Every time he takes a step, stops at a stop sign, has a conversation with someone, etc, he is assuming the accuracy or reliability of his senses. It would be impossible to have a conversation with an atheist if he didn’t, as he couldn’t know for sure what you were saying and couldn’t be confident that you would hear what he was saying.

As effects cannot be greater than their causes, what adequate cause can atheists put forward for our five senses? Certainly, they would not say a being that has any senses is that first cause. They choose to admit a senseless first cause, which is not an adequate cause of senses at all. Atheists take for granted that they have these senses, but they provide no adequate cause or state any intelligible account of how they have these senses.

If we are the product of mere time and chance and our existence is the random accident of the universe, upon what basis can trust be placed upon our senses being accurate? In other words, as Christians we can trust in the reliability of our senses knowing that we were created and designed by God who gave us these senses to perceive the material world around us, but if an atheist cannot account for how he has these senses, upon what can he base his confidence for their accuracy or be able to account for their accuracy? A person has no right to take for granted the accuracy of their senses and has no ability to account for their accuracy, unless they presuppose that they have been designed and created by an intelligent and sensible God.

2)      Since empiricism states that all knowledge is to be acquired by empirical means, did the atheist acquire the knowledge of empiricism through empirical means? Since empiricism states that only that which is empirically proven can be affirmed, can empiricism itself be proven empirically?

Empiricism cannot be empirically proven as it is purely conceptual, an immaterial presupposition which cannot be touched, tasted, seen, heard, or smelt. Empiricism then, as an epistemology, destroys itself. It is self defeating. It cannot live up to its own requirements! It cannot exist under its own premise! If empiricism says that only the material world exists, and empiricism itself is an immaterial notion or concept, then empiricism is saying that empiricism does not exist!

And an atheist would run into an epistemological dilemma if they attempted to prove empiricism. If an atheist tries to prove empiricism using empiricism, as their system would require, than they are taking for granted their conclusion from the onset. But Empiricism states that all knowledge must be concluded through the experience of the senses and that no knowledge, therefore, is to be taken as a presupposition. However, empiricism itself is assumed or taken for granted as a presupposition and is not knowledge that is acquired through the experience of the senses. To prove empiricism using empiricism, as empiricism would require, is impossible without violating the demands of empiricism. Empiricism is taken as a presupposition in such a scenario and nothing is to be assumed according to empiricism.

And on the other side of the dilemma, if they attempt to appeal to another source of knowledge to show the validity of empiricism, such as an appeal to reason or logic, then they have forsaken empiricism and are now establishing rationalism as their ultimate authority. They have abandoned their principle of empiricism (that all knowledge is to come through the senses) by using reason and logic to try to prove empiricism. For if the knowledge of empiricism comes through reason and logic, then all knowledge does not come through the senses, and thus empiricism is wrong. Empiricism cannot be the sole source of knowledge, if the knowledge of empiricism doesn’t come through empiricism. Empiricism therefore, cannot stand upon its own foundation. It cannot measure up to its own requirement.

3)      Empiricism is insufficient to be the sole source of all knowledge, as our senses are limited to the material or physical, but certain knowledge is arrived though immaterial means. The laws of logic, as stated earlier, cannot be touched, tasted, seen, heard, or smelt as they are immaterial.  How can empiricists use logic? They have no right to presuppose the laws of logic when their system of empiricism doesn’t allow for their use or even for their existence!

4)      Empiricism begs the question of the existences of God. By presupposing from the onset that only the material exists and that only what can be experience through the senses can be affirmed, they are begging the question of the existence of the invisible God. The Bible states that God is invisible (Col. 1:15; 1 Tim. 1:17; Heb. 11:27). It is fallacious to say that you cannot believe in the invisible God unless you can be shown His material existence. It’s a contradiction to say that you can only believe in the invisible God, if you can see Him and He becomes visible to you. They exclude even the possibility of the conclusion of God by defining their requirements in such a way. It would be equivalent to saying, “I cannot believe in what cannot be seen, unless I see it.” If you see it, then it is not that which cannot be seen! If God were material, He would not be invisible. So the atheist sets up the debate in such a way as to exclude the possibility of the God of the Bible from the onset. His epistemology is therefore insufficient to deal with the question of God’s existence.

5)      If empirical experience is the sole source of knowledge that we should limit ourselves to, empirically we have only seen life come from life. It has never been empirically shown or proven that life can come from non-life. Even the creation of life within a laboratory would amount to nothing more than to prove intelligent design and that life is required to create life. All the life forms we have ever observed have come from other life forms. Is it not against empiricism then to say that all life has ultimately come from non-life? In this way, atheists contradict their own empirical system.

6)      If I were going to limit my knowledge and beliefs to that which I have empirically known and proved, then I could not believe that atheists have brains. I have never touched, tasted, heard, seen, or smelt the brain of an atheist. Others have told me that they have brains. But that is just hear say. They might be able to show me a cat scan of their brain, but that is just a computer picture. Not a single atheist has ever shown me their actual brains. Have I a right, according to empiricism, to assume or presuppose that atheists have a brain? Or can I possibly logically conclude that every atheist has a brain when none of my senses have perceived that each atheist has one? No, in empiricism assumptions and presuppositions are not to be taken for granted and logic itself cannot exist. Unless the brains of each atheist are experienced through the senses, we cannot believe that they have any at all.

iv. AXIOLOGICAL CRITIQUE: An atheist takes for granted a sense of morality.

1)      Many of the attacks that atheists make against Christians, the Bible, Christianity, or God, are based upon their own set of standards or sense of morality. “Christians are hypocrites,” “The Bible promotes slavery,” “Christianity has been the cause of wars,” “The God of the Bible is unjust.”

2)      Where did the atheist get his sense of morality? What makes his standard of morality authoritative instead of arbitrary? For if the laws of morality are not legislated and revealed to us by a transcendent, infinite mind, the laws of morality are reduced to nothing more than the mere thoughts of finite minds or the arbitrary inventions of our will. There may be thoughts that finite minds haven’t experienced yet, so our finite cannot be the basis for absolute and universal moral law. And an arbitrary invention of a beings will cannot create universal obligation, thus if moral law is the mere arbitration of an individual it cannot have absolute. Atheists do not believe that there is a God with an infinite divine mind, who knows with absolute certainty what behavior is good and beneficial and what behavior is not, and who reveals His infinite and divine thoughts to our minds through the voice of conscience, reason, and the Scriptures.

3)       If morality doesn’t come from God, where does it come from?  If morality is merely the finite thoughts of the collective society, or the arbitrary standards of the individual, then how could any society or individual be morally wrong? If morality is not absolute or like a solid rock, but is relative or like clay that can be molded by each individual and society, then no individual or society could ever be morally wrong. The Nazi’s were not wrong for putting Jews in the ghettos and concentration camps, for that is what their society determined was good to do. Neither are cannibal tribes morally wrong, as that is what their society determined is right and proper behavior. If morality is the invention of the finite individual or comes from the collective society, atheists cannot condemn the crusades, witch hunts, or inquisitions, as that is what individuals and society thought and determined were right and good in their day.

The atheistic system contradicts itself when it provides no basis for absolute morality but rather lays the foundation for moral relativism, and then to make objections against Christianity as if morality were absolute. Since it is evident that their system of thought cannot produce absolute moral law, as it provides no adequate basis or foundation for it, and consequently wicked societies and great evils like that of the Nazi’s cannot be condemned as absolutely morally wrong, there system is evidently reduced to absurdity. But as all men know that society and individuals can be morally wrong, then all men assume that morality is not the mere creation of finite minds or the arbitrary standards of the individual but that it comes from a transcendent and infinite mind that legislates over us.

v. METAPHYSICAL CRITIQUE: An atheist takes for granted uniformity in nature, upon which scientific law is established.

1)      Every individual assumes the uniformity of nature throughout their life. It is what stops us from touching the stove when we know it is hot. We know that if it burned when it was hot before, it will burn when it is hot later. It is why we put shoes on before we go for a walk. We assume that the law of gravitation will still be in place, causing us to walk on our feet. It is why we will drink a cold glass of water when we are thirsty, as we take for granted from previous experience that it will quench our thirst. Countless instances can be quoted to show that atheists take for granted the uniformity of nature throughout their life, as does everyone else.

2)      Any scientific law, such as the law of gravity, presupposes the uniformity of nature. It takes for granted that what happens in a single instance or in a series of instances will continue to occur in the future, if all the variables are identical and the circumstances are the same. There would be no basis to establish scientific law if the uniformity of nature was not taken for granted.

3)      It was the monotheism of the Judeo/Christian worldview that gave basis for the presupposition of the uniformity of nature, which laid the foundation for scientific law. Science is therefore the child of the Judeo/Christian worldview.

In the polytheistic worldview of the ancient world, the elements were not in uniform as the gods of these elements were different personalities, who may change at any moment, and who were often at war with each other. There was a god who controlled the river who was different from the god who controlled the moon, etc. This perspective did not lend to the notion that all of nature was uniform and that what happens in one particular instance would happen in another.

When the polytheistic worldview was replaced with the monotheistic perspective, that there is one God who made and controls the heavens and the earth, then a basis was established to take for granted the uniformity of nature. It was upon the notion that one infinite God controls all and that He established physical laws throughout the universe that scientists like Sr. Isaac Newton was able to discover the law of gravitation.

4)      What right do atheists have then to take for granted the uniformity of nature? If there is no law-giver, what foundation or source can there be for law? If there is no Supreme Ruler or Governor of the physical world, is not the belief in a continual and consistent uniformity in nature, upon which scientific law is established, nothing more than blind faith or wishful thinking on their part?  It is clear that atheists, as do all people, take the uniformity of nature for granted. But why they are able to do so, given their worldview, is not understandable.


  1. The existence of a transcendent, infinite, intelligent God is to be defended and argued as a necessary starting point or presupposition, apart from which we cannot account for the nature of things as they are. In other words, we argue for the existence of God upon the impossibility of the contrary.

a.      THE METAPHYSICAL NECESSITY FOR GOD: The existence of anything finite necessitates the existence of the infinite.

i.  The law of cause and effect is a recognized scientific law that states that all effects must have a cause and that the cause must be equal to or greater than the effect.

Major premise: All effects must have a cause.

Minor premise: An effect is anything that has a beginning.

Conclusion: Therefore, anything that has a beginning must have a cause.

ii. The law of cause and effect is axiomatic. It is a self-evident truth or a truth that goes under the category of a “first truth” or a truth that is known “a priori,” which all assume or presuppose.

1) The law of cause and effect is an intuitive principle developed in the mind as early on as infancy, as babies will cry to try to get something they want. They assume that effects happen as a result of a cause.

2) Everything we do in this world take for granted that we assume the law of cause and effect. Everything from brushing our teeth, to driving to work, to making dinner, all assume the law of cause and effect. Even to argue that the law of cause and effect does not exist, itself takes for granted the law of cause and effect, for you are trying to persuade someone’s mind to change (an effect) with your argument (a cause).

iii. The First Cause cannot be finite but must be infinite.

1) Consider the following syllogisms:

Major premise: All effects require a cause.

Minor premise: All that is finite are effects.

Conclusion: Therefore, all that are finite had a cause.


Major premise: All that had a beginning had a cause.

Minor premise: All that had a beginning is finite.

Conclusion: Therefore, all that is finite had a cause.

2)      This brings us to the notion of the First Cause. The First Cause, by definition, cannot be finite. If it were finite, it would have had a cause. And if it had a cause, it would not be the First Cause. Therefore, the First Cause must necessarily be infinite. Only the infinite qualifies to be the uncaused First Cause as only that which is self-existent or eternal needs no cause.

Major premise: The First Cause cannot have a cause.

Minor premise: All that is finite needed a cause.

Conclusion: Therefore, the First Cause cannot be finite.


Major premise: The First Cause had no cause.

Minor premise: Only the infinite or self-existent can have no cause.

Conclusion: Therefore, the First Cause is infinite or self-existent.


3)       What is the proof than that the infinite exists? The answer is the existence of the finite. That which is finite cannot exist if the infinite does not exist. The finite is not self-existent. The finite can only exist if there is a self-existent or infinite First Cause. Therefore, anything finite is absolute proof of the infinite. God is necessarily antecedent to all finite things. As I said earlier, all that we see in this world is proof that there is a God.

Major premise: The existence of the finite necessitates the existence of the infinite God.

Minor premise: Atheists are finite.

Conclusion: Therefore, the existence of atheists necessitates the existence of the infinite God.


Major premise: The proof that the infinite exists is the existence of the finite.

Minor premise: Atheists are finite.

Conclusion: Therefore, atheists are proof that the infinite exists.


Major premise: The existence of finite cause and effect necessitates the existence of the infinite First Cause.

Minor premise: The arguments of atheists against God are finite products of cause and effect.

Conclusion: Therefore, the arguments of atheists against God necessitate the existence of the infinite First Cause.


iv. What caused God?

1.      Atheists often ask, “If everything had a cause, what caused God?” This question shows both the illogical fallaciousness of their thinking and their utter misunderstanding of the First Cause argument. It is not that everything has a cause, but only what is finite or had a beginning requires a cause. God, as an infinite self-existent being, requires no cause. There was no beginning to His existence, His consciousness, His intelligence, His complexities, etc. Therefore, these things require no cause.

2.      But as it is evident that human beings are not infinite or self-existent, but that we are finite and had a beginning, we therefore needed a cause to bring about our existence.

Major premise: The existence of anything finite required a cause.

Minor premise: The existence of our world is finite.

Conclusion: Therefore, the existence of our world required a cause.

b.      An EPISTIMOLOGICAL NECESSITY FOR GOD: The existence of consciousness, intelligence, logic, reason, rational, and personality all requires or necessitates the existence of God.

i. Effects cannot be greater than their cause.

1)      If a cause is not equal to, or greater than, the effect, is it is not an adequate cause in and of itself to bring about that effect.

ii. Consciousness is greater than unconsciousness, intelligence is greater than unintelligence, logic is greater than the illogical, rational is greater than the irrational, reason is greater than unreasonableness, sense is greater than senselessness, and personality is greater than the impersonal.

1)      These are self-evident truths that are recognized and presupposed by all intelligent minds.

2)      That we view consciousness as greater than unconsciousness is evidenced by the fact that we would prefer to be humans than to be a rock.

3)      That we view intelligence as greater than unintelligence is evidenced by the fact that we seek to educate ourselves and our children.

4)      That we view logic as greater than the illogical, rational as greater than the irrational, and reason as greater than the unreasonable, is evidenced by the fact that we expect to hear logical, rational, reasonable arguments to believe or to do something and look down upon that which is illogical, irrational, and unreasonable.

5)      That we view sense as greater than senselessness is evidenced by the fact that when one of our senses is damaged or lost, we recognize this as a terrible misfortune and great loss.

6)      That personality is greater than the impersonal is evidenced by the fact that we all prefer companionship with a living person than with a volleyball.

iii. Human beings are personalities that have been giving consciousness and intelligence and are endowed with the gift of logic, reason, rational, and sense.

iv. Our cause, therefore, must be a conscious, intelligent, logical, reasonable, rational, sensible, personable being. As effects cannot be greater than their cause, the First Cause cannot be an unconscious, unintelligent, illogical, unreasonable, irrational, senseless, impersonal, thing.

Major premise: Effects cannot be greater than their cause.

Minor premise: Humans are effects.

Conclusion: Therefore, humans cannot be greater than their cause.


Major premise: The cause must be equal to, or greater than, the effect.

Minor premise: Humans are conscious and intelligent personalities with the ability of logic, reason, rational, and sense.

Conclusion: Therefore, the cause of humans must be a conscious and intelligent personality with the ability of logic, reason, rational, and sense.


Major premise: The existence of intelligence in humans necessitates the existence of intelligence in God.

Minor premise: Atheists try to use their intelligence to argue that there is no God.

Conclusion: Therefore, the arguments of the atheist against God necessitate the existence of our intelligent God.


Major premise: Human intelligence is absolute proof of divine intelligence.

Minor premise: Atheists are humans with intelligence.

Conclusion: Therefore, the existence of atheists is proof of divine intelligence.


c. A METAPHYSICAL NECESSITY FOR GOD: The existence of uniformity in nature necessitates the existence of God. 

i. As stated earlier, the basis for the uniformity in nature is the presupposition of a sovereign and intelligent God who has established physical laws to govern His creation.

ii. The physical laws that govern the material world cannot be accounted for apart from the notion of a sovereign, intelligent, infinite Law Giver.

iii. A law cannot exist without a law-giver for the same reason that an effect cannot exist without a cause. If a law existed without a law-giver, then there is an effect without a cause, which is logically impossible.

d.      A METAPHYSICAL NECESSITY FOR GOD: The existence of complexity or design in the composition or arrangement of finite existences requires the existence of God.

i. As the finite cannot exist without the infinite First Cause, so complexity or design in the composition or arrangement of their existence requires intelligence from their First Cause.

1) That which is unintelligent cannot arrange itself in an intelligent manner.

2)      Intelligence is required for a material object to be constructed or arranged in a meaningful and purposeful way.

ii. The greater the complexity and design in their composition and arrangement, the greater the intelligence of their Cause or Creator must be.

iii. The unfathomable and incomprehensible intrinsic and in-depth complexity of the systems of our material world is all indicative of a transcendent, infinite, and intelligent being as the Creator of these existences.

1)      The brilliance of such systems as that of the ecosystem, digestive system, reproductive system, etc, all reveal not only the existence of God, but the genius of His mind.

2)      The more microscopic that man’s study of our world becomes, the more complicated that the systems of the world appear. What used to be called the “simple cell” is not considered so simple anymore.

3)      Man, with all His intelligence, is incapable of creating a single DNA strand or of composing even one cell or atom.

4)      It should be blatantly obvious and self-evident that the mind which created our world is far superior to our own.

e.       An AXIOLOGICAL OR ETHICAL NECESSITY FOR GOD: The existence of absolute morality necessitates the existence of God.

i. As was shown earlier, there is no basis for an absolute moral truth or law apart from an infinite transcendent mind that legislates over us and grants us this revelation.

1)      If the laws of morality do not originate in God’s divine and infinite mind, then the laws of morality must originate in man’s own finite mind or arbitrary will.

2)      There can be no basis for a universal moral law, obligatory upon all, if the origin of moral law is the arbitrary will of the individual.

3)      There can be no basis for a universal moral truth, or an absolute morality, if moral laws originate in man’s finite mind, as no two finite minds think perfectly alike.

4)      The only way that finite minds can be absolutely sure about the rightness of a moral law, is if there is a transcendent and infinite mind that can be appealed to, or which is the source and origin of the moral law.

5)      If the laws of morality are invented by the individual or the society, what is to say that a particular individual or society is morally wrong? There would be no moral standard above society by which to judge the moral rightness or wrongness of it, as the society would have authority over all moral standards. Morality would consequently be relative.

In which case, societies that engaged in genocide, slavery, cannibalism, torture, etc, cannot be objectively or absolutely condemned as morally wrong.

But as all individuals intuitively know that societies have been morally wrong, all individuals presuppose that moral law does not come from the society but is rather above the society and the society is subjected to it, rather than it being subjected to society.

6)      All rational moral beings know that there is an absolute standard of morality. For example, we all naturally know that murder, or the unjustified killing of a human life, is wrong. Even a murder knows that murder is wrong, not only because he will suffer from the pains of conscience for doing so, but because he doesn’t want anyone to murder him! He takes for granted that his life is valuable and that taking it would be a bad thing.

Men may talk about morality being relative, but in their hearts they know it to be absolute. And since a sense of absolute morality exists in the rational minds of all men, this shows that ultimately all rational minds presuppose the source and origin of moral law to transcend their own finite minds and arbitrary wills, for if they truly assumed that moral law originated in their own finite minds or arbitrary wills, they could not affirm it to be absolute or affirm its obligation to be universal.

f.       THE REAL ETHICAL PROBLEM OF AN ATHIEST: At the root of the issue, an atheist is someone who refuses to acknowledge the truth.

1)      An atheist is a rebel against God, who knows that there is a God but who refuses to serve Him (Rom. 1:21).

2)      An atheist is someone who has been exposed to more than sufficient reasons to believe in and serve God, but they choose to rather suppress this knowledge and choose darkness rather than light (Jn. 1:9; 3:19; Rom. 1:18).

3)      The purpose, therefore, of showing the irrationality of atheism and the self contradictions and self defeating principles of its system is simply to show the atheist that as an atheist, he is a rebel against God who has no sufficient reasons for rejecting the Lord. The purpose is to confront him in his rebellion, exhort him to consider his ways, call him to repent of his enmity against God, and to find salvation through Jesus Christ. Show the atheist the foolishness of his ways, the moral and intellectual repulsiveness of his own system, the sufficient reasons that exist to have faith in God, his guilt and inexcusableness before the Lord, and his desperate need for God to pardon His crimes by His mercy and to remit the execution of His deserved penalty through the atonement of Jesus Christ!



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A Review of the New Dallas Perot Evolutionary Science Museum by Jesse Morrell


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The Perot Museum More of A Sci-Fi Museum than Science Museum 

By Jesse Morrell


After visiting the new Perot Museum of Nature and Science that opened in Dallas TX, I made these remarks online on various websites:

“I took my son and daughter to this new “Perot Museum of Nature and Science” and as soon as we started our tour I wished we didn’t. It was full of anti-creation propaganda. All over the place were promotions for the Big Bang, evolution, etc. It mentioned “creationists” by name in a negative way right from the start. It taught that birds evolved from Dinosaurs because they have similar bones, and that everything somehow magically evolved over billions of years from a single molecule. Instead of, “In the beginning God’ it was “In the beginning a single molecule.” I can’t believe rational people buy this stuff. It offered zero proof for any of its wild claims. It as a whole bunch of fairytale propaganda apparently funded by God haters. It even had a picture on the wall of Charles Darwin and Richard Dawkins! I was very disappointed. I also took my family to the Creation Science Museum in Kentucky and was glad I did. We need more Museums like that.”

Contrary to some of the comments made on the ‘Reddit’ website, I am not alone in my beliefs. This initial post on my face book quickly received 81 “Likes” from various people across the world with over 500 comments.

A few days later after I made these initial posts, I received this email:

Mr. Morrell-

Hello, my name is Brad Pearson and I’m a writer with D Magazine in Dallas. I came across one of your comments about the Perot Museum in Dallas, and I was hoping to speak with you about it, since the museum’s become a pretty important tourist destination in the city. If you’re interested, feel free to email or call me back. Thank you for your time.

Bradford Pearson

Staff Writer

The next day, Bradford already decided to post an article about my comments. It was called, “Someone Has Been Trolling the Perot Museum Online, Calling it ‘Fairytale Propaganda’” He wrote, “As you can see above, Morrell did not enjoy his visit to the Perot Museum. He called it “fairytale propaganda” and was stunned that a science museum included photos of Charles Darwin and Richard Dawkins. Imagine that, a science museum with photos of scientists. The above screengrab is a Google review Morrell wrote, brought to the attention of the masses via Reddit. Redditors got a good laugh at Morrell’s expense, but thought he was nothing more than a troll. Wrong.” He also said, “spoke with Morrell via email yesterday, and he agreed to answer some questions about his visit, his beliefs, and why he was surprised that a science museum mentioned science. I haven’t heard back yet; I’m not holding my breath.”


Of course, I have never turned down an interview.


These were the questions that he sent me with my full answers:

1.      “Do you live in the Dallas area? If yes, where? I saw on your website that you might live in Connecticut; I just wanted to double check.”

I live with my family in the Tyler Texas area. I am originally from Connecticut. I have been traveling the country speaking on university and college campuses full time since 2005. I have spoken on over 100 campuses. For many years I was living on the road as I traveled but just settled down in East Texas permanently about a year ago. East Texas is now my home base I travel from. I have been street preaching in Dallas and Fort Worth for the past ten years. And now, the public sidewalks around the Perot Museum look like a great place for me to start giving Creation and Intelligent Design presentations.

2.      Why did you decide to visit the Perot? Do you visit many museums?

My wife and I are homeschooling our children. We travel the country for ministry and enjoy visiting many museums and zoo’s on our travels as part of our homeschooling. The Science Museum was a field trip for my three year old daughter and one year old son. They started school earlier than most children. Both can already count. My daughter is already spelling.

3.      What did you expect to see at the museum?

Seeing that it is a museum of nature and science, I was expecting to see facts relating to nature and science. My children have visited many science museums all across the country where they have interactive teachings on the law of cause and effect, law of gravitation, the design of the human body, the solar system, atoms, cells, etc. In the other science museums which I have taken my children to across the country, there was no apparent agenda to propagate the evolutionary and naturalistic worldviews of atheists. Science has existed long before the theory of evolution came around and much science can be taught without these unverified and unverifiable theories. Theology itself was once considered the Queen of the Sciences. Sir Isaac Newton was one of the greatest scientists of all times and he did not believe in evolution, of course, but was a theist. He said, “This most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent Being.”  Ben Stein did a fantastic job in his film, “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed,” showing that many great and leading scientists in the modern world believe in Intelligent Design as an absolute fact. They said that the more they research as scientists; they more convinced they are of Intelligent Design.

A science museum, for example, can have an interactive exhibit showing the laws of aerodynamics. Rather than trying to teach wild theories like dinosaurs evolving into birds, a science museum can show the wonderful design of birds which enables them to fly. It took our finite minds thousands of years to learn the laws of flight, yet these creatures with low intelligence can do it naturally. This shows that an intelligence greater than ourselves engineered these wonderful creatures. Their innate instincts for flight patters and migration are also a marvel reflective of the intelligence of their Creator.

Instead of an unbiased presentation of scientific facts, I found that the Perot Museum had an obvious bias against creationism and intelligent design and designed many of its exhibits to propagate the theory of evolution to the minds of vulnerable children. The fact that they had pictures of Charles Darwin (who was a racist), and Richard Dawkins (an outspoken atheist) on their wall, promoting them as great scientists, but neglected to mention or display a picture of Sir Isaac Newton, shows the museums blatant bias.

4.      Why were you so surprised that a science museum included big bang references as opposed to creationism? Not to be disrespectful, but that’s exactly what I’d expect at a science museum.

Secular or naturalistic science limits itself to empiricism as their epistemology. Given this limited and presupposed epistemology, the question of the origin of life or the origin of the universe is beyond its scope or reach. The origin of life or the origin of the universe was not something that anyone, except our Creator, observed or experienced. The origin of life and the universe cannot be empirically tested. None of our five senses could prove that the “Big Bang” ever occurred at all.

The Perot Museum stated that at one time, billions of years ago, all of the matter in the universe existed in a single molecule. This was their ultimate presupposition, instead of Genesis 1:1, they assumed “In the beginning a single molecule.” From that single molecule, everything magically evolved over billions of years. Of course, none of this was proven by the museum. It was simply stated. Even if, at one point, all of matter existed in a single molecule, this cannot be empirically shown or proven. We cannot touch, taste, see, or smell all of matter existing in a single molecule, nor can this hypothesis be observed, tested, or reproduced. It is unverifiable.

The Big Bang does not even qualify as a scientific theory, as that which qualifies as a scientific theory must be observable, testable, and reproducible. The Big Bang is not observable, testable, or reproducible.  The Big Bang is not, therefore, a valid scientific theory. It is, in the final analysis, mere speculation and imagination.

And for the Big Bang to be promoted as an argument against God, as the Perot Museum present it is itself a fallacious argument. Even if all of the universe existed in a single molecule that exploded, this does not necessarily exclude the existence of a Creator and Designer at all. They are trying to explain the “how” but the “how” does not necessarily exclude the “who” that was behind the “how.”

5.      How do you define “rational people”? Christians who believe in creationism?

A rational person is the antithesis of an irrational person. It is irrational to refuse to acknowledge the obvious. Therefore, a rational person would be willing to accept what is plainly the truth. That there is an infinite Creator and Designer of all the finite existences in the universe is an obvious truth. The rational rightly acknowledge this, the irrational foolishly deny it.

First, we know logically by law of cause and effect that anything that had a beginning had a cause. Anything finite had a beginning. Therefore, anything finite had a cause. Finite cause and effect necessarily implies the first cause. The first cause, by definition, must be self-existent. If the first cause had a cause, it wouldn’t be the first cause. Therefore, the existence of anything finite is absolute proof of the existence of the infinite. The finite could not exist apart from the infinite. Our finite existence is absolute proof that there is a Creator.

The existence of the Perot Museum itself is proof that there is a God. The Perot Museum had a beginning and is therefore finite. The existence of finite cause and effect necessarily implies the first great and infinite cause. Therefore, the existence of the Perot Museum proves the existence of God. In the same way, the existence of an atheist and of any argument presented by an atheist against God, in fact, proves that there is a God.

Secondly, the obvious design and laws of the universe are indicative of intelligence. Physical laws, like any law, necessarily imply the mind of a Law Giver. There can be no design without intelligence. All of the physical laws of the universe are a reflection of the intelligence of God. Adaptation to our environments, also known as micro-evolution, is reflective of the intelligence of our Creator. The solar system, eco-system, digestive system, reproductive system, etc, are also proof that our designer who engineered the universe is intelligent. Sir Isaac Newton said, “In the absence of any other proof, the thumb alone would convince me of God’s existence.” Our minds have been so constituted that we cannot help but to be impressed with the intricate complexities and obvious design of the universe. Therefore, the knowledge of God is an inescapable revelation. This can account for why every culture in every continent has recognized a Creator and why those who verbally deny the existence of such a Creator are such a minority.

Thirdly, any coherent worldview must begin with Genesis 1:1. There is no adequate foundation or basis for the universe or the human mind as we know it apart from an infinite and intelligent God. The rational cannot come from the irrational. The intelligent cannot come from the unintelligent. Life cannot come from non-life. The contrary has never been empirically observed or proven, nor is it logically feasible. The effect cannot be greater than the cause. The fact that we are intelligent and personal beings necessarily means that the first cause cannot be an unintelligent or impersonal thing. The existence of any finite and rational being necessarily proves the existence of our infinite and intelligent God. The atheist or naturalistic scientist cannot account for the reason and intelligence that they themselves use otherwise. They acknowledge that they have an intelligent mind and engage in its exercise every day, but they cannot account for its existence because they refuse to acknowledge the God to whom they owe their existence and design.

“ The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.” Ps. 19:1

“The heavens declare his righteousness, and all the people see his glory.” Ps. 97:6

“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools…” Rom. 1:18-22

6.      What evidence do you have that your vision of the Earth’s beginning is the correct version? And what about the theory presented by the Perot Museum is so wrong?

Ultimately, the knowledge of God is an a priori truth, as opposed to an a posteriori truth. That is, the knowledge of God is a necessary prerequisite for any coherent worldview. The Scriptures never attempt to prove God, but assumes Him as the Creator of the universe from the onset, and addresses men in such a way as to imply that they already know God exists. There are necessary presuppositions, or starting points, that are taken for granted before any rational or intelligent discussion or meaningful discourse can take place. The Infinite Creator, presented in the Scriptures, is the only adequate foundation for finite existence, human intelligence, reason, the laws of logic, absolute or objective morality, etc. As a first truth, the existence of God is self-evident and needs no proof, but must necessarily be presupposed from the onset.

In order to engage in a debate or in a rational discourse, I assume from the onset that I exist. I also presuppose that I have an intelligent mind, that the laws of logic exist, etc. It would be foolish to try to logically prove logic. It would be unreasonable to try to reasonably prove reason. These are simply taken as first truths from the onset. And as God is the necessary prerequisite for my own existence and for the existence of reason and logic, God must be presupposed from the onset before any debate or rational discourse can take place.

All worldviews have ultimate presuppositions or first truths. For example, in atheism the epistemology of empiricism is taken for granted as a first truth. Empiricism states that all knowledge is to be acquired through the senses and consequently assumes that reality is purely physical or material. (It, therefore, begs the question of the existence of the invisible God whose essential nature is spiritual.) This epistemology of empiricism is presupposed not proven. It is not a conclusion but a premise. In fact, by its own standard it cannot be proven. Empiricism itself is not a physical substance or materialistic in its essential nature. Empiricism is conceptual, a mere idea of the mind. So while Empiricism is presupposed or taken as a first truth in the worldview of an atheist, it is an unfounded and self-contradictory one. The Infinite God who created us is the only adequate starting point for any coherent worldview.

The laws of logic, which any atheist attempts to use when he reasons, are also themselves conceptual and have no physical substance. The laws of logic cannot be handled or experienced through our five senses nor can they be empirically proven. For an empiricist to use the laws of logic, therefore, contradicts his own epistemology. It is unreasonable for them to engage in reason, since reason is not physical and therefore cannot exist in their worldview. It is only reasonable for us to engage in reason if we presuppose that we were created in the image of a reasonable Creator and do not limit ourselves to the material world as the only possible existences.

In other words, God is true because of the impossibility of the contrary. We cannot account, as already stated, for our finite existence or intelligence apart from God. Furthermore, empirical science presupposes the accuracy and reliability of our five senses. Every one of us do every time we drive a car. Reading, writing, walking, talking, etc, all presuppose the accuracy of our five senses. Going to the Perot Museum itself, and creating and presenting its exhibits, presupposes their accuracy. This we take as a first truth.

However, if there is no intelligent design to our human body, but we are the product of mere time and chance and are nothing more than the random accidence of the universe, we have no rational basis or intelligent foundation to trust in the reliability of our senses. The atheistic evolutionist assumes the accuracy of his senses, but he has no basis for doing so.

However, if we were created and designed by an intelligent God, who endowed us with the gifts of our senses to know and experience the material world, then we have a rational basis to trust in their reliability and accuracy. Apart from the presupposition that there is a God, there is no basis for the senses used in empirical study and research. Unlike a creation scientist, an atheistic scientist is, therefore, an oxymoron and a walking contradiction. An atheist will presuppose the accuracy of his senses and his own intelligence, but he has no basis in his worldview that validates this presupposition.

Now, as to question as to why the theory presented by the Perot Museum is wrong. The majority of my disagreement was with their theory that everything in the universe evolved over billions of years from a single molecule that exploded in a big bang. As already stated, the question as to the origin of the universe is beyond the scope of empiricism and cannot be verified using the scientific method. For an empirical scientist to speculate as to the origin of the universe, he necessarily forsakes his own epistemology.

One exhibit stated that dinosaurs are still around today, only they exist as birds. Their argument for this position was that the bone structure of the dinosaurs and modern birds are similar, since they are both hollow. In addition, they said, certain dinosaurs had feathers. Therefore, they reasoned, birds evolved from dinosaurs. Of course, this is not shown anywhere in the fossil record. To make up for this lack of evidence, they argued that such bones hardly fossilize because they are fragile and hollow.

I on the other hand, believe that the fossil record does not support their theory because it didn’t happen and because fossils do not record the evolution of creatures over millions of years. Most of the fossils that we find today are the product of the great flood which occurred thousands of years ago.

This argument of birds evolving from dinosaurs because of similarities was clearly fallacious to me. Similarities between two creatures do not necessitate the logical conclusion that one of them evolved from the other. Especially if the similarities are nothing more than hollowed bones and feathers. There are much more similarities than that between a Ford truck and a Chevy. But these similarities do not necessitate the conclusion that the substance of one evolved from the substance of the other over billions of years. Rather, a common design reflects a common mind or designer. The same applies to birds, dinosaurs, and any other creature. Any similarity between them does indicate macro-evolution, but a common Designer.

Facts are interpreted by a person’s presuppositions and worldview. The same fact can be interpreted in two totally different ways. The similarities between creatures that we see in the natural world are interpreted by the naturalistic atheist as evidence of evolution only because they first presuppose an evolutionary perspective of nature. It is not the facts which are in dispute, but the interpretation of the facts based upon presuppositions. And, as has already been shown, the atheist or empiricist has no adequate starting point while the theistic presupposition is an absolutely necessary perquisite to a coherent worldview.

What the exhibits at the Perot Museum showed was that it is detached from reason and logic in its bias against God. They are advancing the fairytale propaganda of atheists like Richard Dawkins, whose imagination has run wild in vanity and foolishness. It would do our society much good, especially in the realm of science, to resurrect and relearn the laws of logic.

Furthermore, what museums like the Perot Museum fail to educate the public with is that the evidences that have been set forth for the theory of macro-evolution have been later found out to be fraudulent. Fossil fragments are found and then reconstructed using artistic license by those who want to try to make up for the lack of evidence for macro-evolution. “Lucy” is just one of the many examples of the evidences set forth, and taught in public schools, as empirical evidence of evolution. Scattered fragments were found very far apart and reconstructed, with the help of plaster and artistic license, to create a missing link. The only reason she was proclaimed as a missing link was because she supposed “could have” walked uprightly. This again shows how some scientists are biased in their analysis of the facts and illogically interpret similarities as proof for macro-evolution. Only later it is discovered that Lucy was nothing more than an ape. Many other supposed “missing links” have also been shown to be fraudulent. There is not a missing link, there is an entire missing chain. Macro-evolution is nothing more than a man-made religion that requires blind faith.

Even more recently, through DNA study it has been shown that there is no real difference between Homo Sapiens and Neanderthals, as many have been taught in public schools. Neanderthals were a group of people that had common facial and bodily features, which to us appear primitive, but they were really nothing more than a people group, like Asians, Africans, Europeans, Native Australians, etc.

What is startling is how the secular masses look at scientists as if their word is infallible. Scientists function as the high priests of our secular society. In debates and arguments, the statement “It is science” or “science says” is supposed to be an argument that settles the dispute. However, secular scientists have to keep reinterpreting the facts when their beloved theories are shown to be impossible. Scientific text books used in public school are always being updated to be new and improved. Science once taught that the earth was flat. Now, Pluto is not even a real planet! What was once promoted as scientific fact is later shown to be science fiction. This is because they do not have an adequate starting point and worldview through which to interpret the facts. The modern scientists, who have an apparent axe to grind against Christianity and an obvious bias against God, have proven themselves to be anything but credible and reliable.

Lastly, this is an excerpt from one of my ministry newsletters stating the arguments I presented at Yale University against the ridiculous theory of maco-evolution:

One of the arguments used against Christianity and the Bible on university campuses is the modern theory of evolution. When this was brought up on campus, I told the students that I had four objections to evolution. I have a logical objection, an empirical objection, a scientific objection, and a moral objection.

My logical objection to evolution is this. In a science text book, whenever macro-evolution is discussed, micro-evolution examples are used as proof for macro-evolution. Macro-evolution is the massive change or alteration of one special into another. Micro-evolution is minor changes, alterations, adaptations within species. When a person tries to prove macro-evolution with micro-evolution examples, this is a logical fallacy. Small and minor variations do not mean that massive or large alterations also occur. That would be equivalent to me saying, “I know how to rebuild the engine of a car. I’ll prove it to you. I’ll show you how I can build a bicycle.” There is no logical connection. To try to prove the one by showing the other is to make a logical fallacy.

My empirical objection to evolution was this: if we are going to limit our knowledge to our five senses, as many college students claim they do, then according to this view of epistemology we cannot believe in evolution because its process has never been empirically observed. If it is “blind faith” to believe in something that cannot be verified empirically, then it is blind faith to believe in evolution! When it comes to the origin of life all together, we cannot even address this issue nor have any beliefs on it at all if we are going to limit our epistemology to empiricism.

My scientific objection to evolution was this: effects cannot be greater than their cause. A cause is always equal to, or greater than, their effects. If it were not so, the cause would not be an adequate cause of the effects. It is scientific law that effects cannot be greater than their cause. This is not mere theory. But in the evolutionary process, effects are constantly greater than their cause. We are getting bigger and better as we progress through the evolutionary process (except for birds, which became smaller and more fragile). Therefore, the theory of evolution is at odds with established scientific law.

My moral objection to evolution is this: the holocaust. The very idea of the “Arian Race” or superior humans presupposes the evolutionary process. In the Bible, all men are created equal. But in evolution, you can have a higher evolved group of human beings. Charles Darwin book was not “The Origin of Species” as it is referred to today. It was originally, ‘The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life.” And what was the “Favored Race” presented in his book? White people, whom he argued were more evolved than black people. Darwin’s theory spread like wildfire because, at the time, people were looking for a justification for slavery since Christians were seeking to ban it. Hitler was a firm believer in Darwin’s theory. Hitler’s Youth were brainwashed with the theory of evolution. Darwin’s theory of evolution gave birth to the idea of the Arian race, which lead to the extermination of millions of people thought to be inferior to those who have been more evolved. Evolutionary philosophy has killed millions.

7.      Mr. Morrell, I’m truly interested in your viewpoint, and do not want to be seen as disrespectful, but why would you go to a museum that is so antithetical to your beliefs, and expect any less?

Science itself is not antithetical to my theistic beliefs. In fact, natural science is really the child of theism. In the ancient world polytheism had dominance. Under the belief of polytheism, the elements of nature were all controlled by different gods. There was the god of fire, the god of water, the god of sex, the god of the sun, etc. And often, the gods were at war with each other and changing. The ancient world had a view of the universe that consisted of anything but uniformity in nature.

However, through the Judeo-Christian worldview, a monotheistic perspective of nature replaced polytheism on a grand scale. With the underlining presupposition that there was one Sovereign God who created the heavens and the earth, who established and upholds its laws which He set in motion, there became a rational basis for the belief in the uniformity of nature.

Scientific law is based on nothing more than the uniformity of nature. And the uniformity of nature is based upon nothing more than a monotheistic worldview. If we take away the basis for the latter, we necessarily take away the basis for the former. Take away monotheism, and natural and empirical science doesn’t have a basis to stand on but becomes nothing more than an unfounded presupposition itself.

Granted, I do not expect a secular science museum to be like the Creation Science Museum I took my family to in Kentucky. However, not every secular science museum I have gone to has had an agenda to brainwash children with macro-evolution propaganda. When I go to a science museum, I expect to find scientific law not science fiction. The law of gravitation, the law of cause and effect, the laws of aerodynamics, and the laws of physics are examples of what I expected to find at the Perot Museum. We can study the solar system, eco-system, digestive system, reproductive system, without indoctrinating our children with wild theories like evolution.

Macro-Evolution, which is unscientific and unverifiable with empirical methods, is hardly scientific theory let alone scientific fact. Unfortunately, much of the Perot Museum has shown me that it is really a Sci-Fi Museum. If I wanted Sci-Fi, like the Perot Museum presented, I would watch Planet of the Apes or the X-Men. However, if I want scientific facts, I will apparently have to go elsewhere than the Perot Museum.

It is far from being unreasonable to believe that all that we see is the product of the intelligent mind of an infinite God, but it requires a lot of blind faith and imagination to believe the fairytale that everything magically evolved over billions of years from a single molecule, with no intelligence from a Creator or Designer at all. “In the beginning God” is a far more reasonable starting point for a coherent worldview than the irrational assumption of, “In the beginning a single molecule.”

In conclusion, the existence of God is not the real question. Neither is evolution. The existence of God is an obvious fact and the evidence lacking for evolution is laughable and it is a wonder that it is taught in any rational society. The real problem is that our society is wicked and sinful and chooses to live in hostility towards God. If Darwin had not invented in his imagination the theory of evolution, another argument would have been created in our society against God. In an attempt to protect its sin, society attacks God. Sinners are unwilling to have God rule over them as the rightful Moral Governor of the universe. They therefore hid behind any excuse they can find for not submitting and serving Him. Yet despite man’s open rebellion and treason against God, the Lord has been very merciful and good to us. He even became a man in Jesus Christ and died for our sins to provide a substitute for the penalty that we deserve. Now God can offer pardon to our rebellious race, in consistency with the honor and authority of His law and the good of His moral universe, if we will simply repent of our sins and turn back to Him.


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