Theology Bookstore






FrontCoverAmazon “Cleansing the Temple” was written by a young fiery street preacher. Jesse Morrell was only eighteen years old in 2003, preaching in the streets of New England, when he began to write the contents of this book. It is not your typical Christian book. It is a compilation of very passionate articles calling the church of believers to uncompromising holy service to God. This book is primarily about purity, prayer, and preaching. The hope is that this book will cleanse modern Christianity to be the bride that Christ wants her to be.

“It is my prayer and belief this book will be used by God to purify and perfect His church to do the work of the ministry and raise up laborers for the harvest.  It is packed with scripture, anecdotes, historical nuggets, personal examples and testimonies.  It is not necessarily a devotional book but it will challenge you to seek the Lord.  It is not necessarily a book on doctrine but it is full of sound doctrine and will make you want to read your Bible.  It is not necessarily an open air training manual but will prepare you for open air ministry.” ~ Micah Armstrong,  2016

390 pages


($9.99 for kindle)

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The Natural Ability of Man: A Study On Free Will & Human Nature by Jesse Morrell is an exhaustive theological volume that defends the Christian doctrine of man’s free will against the false Gnostic/Calvinist doctrine of man’s natural inability.

This volume explains the truth of man’s freedom of choice in light of Church history and other doctrines like total depravity, regeneration, atonement, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, predestination, repentance, faith, the believers security, original sin, etc. One Bible teacher called this book “the most comprehensive exposition on man’s natural ability in print.”

690 pages


($9.99 for kindle)

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product_thumbnail.php-2Does Man Inherit A Sinful Nature by Jesse Morrell is a thorough examination and refutation to one of the oldest theological excuses for sin – a sinful nature. With an abundance of scripture, keen logic, and an appeal to Christian teachers throughout history, this book not only shows that men are not born with a sinful nature but that sin is actually contrary to the nature God gave us.

211 pages


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“The Emotions of God: How Man Can Bless or Hurt Godby Jesse Morrell is an exhaustive biblical study on the Divine Feelings. Does God really have emotions? Or is He impassible? The question is simple enough but it has been much debated by Christians over the centuries. The Bible portrays God as having emotions but are these real descriptions of Him? Can God change in any way or is He absolutely immutable in all things? Is God timeless or does He experience duration? How should we live in regard to our obligations towards God? Can man hurt God or inflict pain upon Him? Can we contribute to His happiness? These are the types of questions that are involved in this debate, which this book gives you biblical answers to. It will challenge your understanding of God and edify your walk with Him. As the Scriptures are expounded upon this topic, you may never view God the same way again.
“I have added the Emotions of God by Jesse Morrell to my most influential books. I would recommend it to all Christians.” ~ Stephen
212 pages
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“How to Refute Atheism & Evolution” by Jesse Morrell  is an excellent Christian apologetic book. Some Christians may be intimidated by the topics of atheism and evolution but with a little bit of study these topics can actually become the easiest to refute! Every Christian can and should learn Christian Apologetics. We are told in the Bible to always be ready to give a defense (apologia) for the hope that is within us.
78 pages
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product_thumbnail.php-3The Truth Shall Make You Free by Gordon C. Olson is an absolute essential for any Christian library. It has been said that Gordon C. Olson was the greatest theologian of the 20th Century, and “The Truth Shall Make You Free” was his masterpiece. This is a monumental work of theological literature. To reprint this very important volume is one of the reasons that we even started reprinting books at all. We would like to see this book in the hands of every believer. It is our opinion that “The Truth Shall Make You Free” is one of the greatest theological works of Christian history.

197 pages  (8.5″ x 11″)


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Lectures on Systematic Theology - 1851 Edition - Two Volumes in One

This is the complete 1851 edition of Lectures on Systematic Theology by Charles G. Finney. These Lectures are arguably the greatest systematic theology in Chrisitan history. This is a “Note Takers Edition” as the bottom of each page has a large area for the reader to write their own personal notes as they study this wonderful piece of Christian theology.

 731 pages  (8.5″ x 11″)


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 Memoirs of Revivals of Religion

Memoirs of Revivals of Religion contains the personal account of revivals of Charles G. Finney. This volume describes the amazing details of the extraordinary revivals which God used his servant Finney in. A Christian will find it hard to be able to read this book without getting on his knees to pray for revival!

408 pages


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Lectures on Revivals of Religion

 Lectures on Revivals of Religion by Charles G. Finney is a classic volume on revivals. Finney was America’s greatest revivalist. Over half a million souls were soundly saved under his ministry. After this volume was first published, revivals started breaking out all over the place. This book is a must read for any believer who wants to win souls to Christ!

471 pages


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The Philosophy of the Plan of SalvationThe Philosophy of the Plan of Salvation by James B. Walker is a discussion on the fundamental facts about God’s dealing with the human race throughout history, to convince the rational reader that the religion of the Bible is from God and is uniquely adapted to produce the greatest good for mankind. Some readers have called this book the best apologetic of the Christian faith that they have read.

184 Pages


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 Charles Grandison Finney by G. Frederick Wright is one of the best biographys on this hero of the Christian faith. This book details the life, ministry, and theology of the greatest revivalists America has ever seen. While Finney’s modern critics always try to downplay his success as an evangelist, this book was written by someone who was actually there in the 19th Century, who knew and worked with Finney for 30 years.

205 pages


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Objections to Calvinism As It Is by Randolph S. Foster is a classic rebuttal to the doctrines of “Reformed Theology” from the 1800’s.  The false theology of Calvinism is refuted by the authors scriptural and rational arguments, plainly exposing the so-called “Doctrines of Grace” for what they really are. Some Christians have called this work the best book on Calvinism out there. The authors use of logic, scripture, and sarcasm makes this book a blessing to read!

274 pages


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A Defense of New England Theology by Albert Barnes is a very rare book, originally published in 1829. It contains Barnes sermon, “The Way of Salvation” for which he was accused of heresy by Rev. Dr. George Junkin. The doctrines in question were human ability, imputation, and atonement. Barne’s response and defense to the charge of heresy is also contained in this volume, for which Barnes was acquitted by the Synod of Philadelphia. “New England Theology” was a theological movement with notable men like Moses Stuart, Albert Barnes, Charles Finney, Asa Mahan, and others. The modern movement of “Moral Government Theology” has its roots in what was “New England Theology.”

194 pages


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The Scriptural Doctrine of Atonement by Caleb Burge has been said to be the best book on the Governmental Atonement theory. Burge expounds upon very profound concepts and presents them in a very intelligent and understandable way. This book was originally published in 1822. It contains pure theological gold on one of the most important doctrines of Christianity. It will be an absolute treasure in your library.

135 pages


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An Historical Presentation of Augustinism and Pelagianism by G. F. Wiggers is a classic and impartial work on the Augustine/Pelagius debate from the 1800’s. By appealing to the original sources that are available, Dr. Wiggers compares and contrasts these two opposing theologies, defining and explaining the various doctrines within each system of thought.

369 pages


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Divine Nescience & Foreknowledge contains two classic works from the 1800’s in one volume. They are “Divine Nescience of Future Contingencies A Necessity” and “The Foreknowledge of God, and Cognate Themes in Theology and Philosophy” by L. D. McCabe. Because these books were out of print, these books have been very hard to find and very expensive to purchase, until now. These two profound books were written in the 1800’s and brilliantly expound upon the open view of God. They are two of the most important theological writings of the 19th Century and arguably two of the best writings on the topic of open theism. This book is a must read for any Christian who wants to understand the scriptural and logical arguments for the open view of the future.

490 pages


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 The Atonement by Albert Barnes is a classic book on the governmental theory of the atonement from a very prominent pastor and world renown Bible commentator from the 1800’s. Barnes’ work on The Atonement was Leonard Ravenhill’s number one recommended book out of forty listed. It is very insightful, thought provoking, and spiritually rich.

Albert Barnes (1789-1870) was a pastor, author, and Bible commentator. He pastored the large and influential First Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia. He is best known for his extensive notes on the Bible. Millions of copies of his notes have been printed and distributed worldwide and have blessed many. His work on the atonement was one of his greatest contributions to Christian Theology.

309 Pages


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Doctrine of the Will by Asa Mahan is possibly Mahan’s best book. It is a satisfactory rebuttal to the doctrine of the Necessitarians, specifically the Edwardian kind, who taught that the will operated under the law of necessity rather than liberty. Revivalist and theologian Charles Finney said that this classic was “a highly important work” that “every family should possess and make themselves familiar with.”

 191 Pages


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The Atonement in Christ by John Miley is one of the most exhaustive and important writings on the various atonement theories that have existed throughout Christian history. This classic writing advances the Governmental Theory of the atonement as true and scriptural and critiques the opposing perspectives like that of the Penal Substitution Theory of atonement.

 John Miley (1813-1895) was an American Christian theologian in the Methodist tradition who was  one of the major Methodist theological voices of the 19th century.

 Miley had graduated from Augusta College and, as a Methodist pastor, had held nineteen different pastoral appointments. He served as chair of systematic theology at Drew University in Madison, NJ beginning in 1873, after his brother-in-law, Randolph Sinks Foster, left the seat to become a Bishop.

290 Pages


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The Extent of the Atonement: In Its Relation to God and the Universe by Rev. Thomas W. Jenkyn is a classic work expounding upon the Governmental View of the atonement. It is a thorough explanation of the atonement in reference to its nature, the character of God, the purposes of God, the works of God, the moral government of God, the providence of God, divine truth, the rebellion of man, the salvation of mankind, the work of the Holy Spirit, the Christian church, etc. This book presents the truth of the Scriptures in clarity and is an absolute joy to read.

 363 Pages


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The Governmental View of the Atonement is a compilation book with writings from some of the best theologians on this topic. The authors include Charles Finney, Henry Cowles, John Morgan, Moses Stuart, and Jonathon Edwards Jr. These authors present the truth of the atonement of Christ in a very clear Scriptural and reasonable light. Their writings show the necessity, nature, and extent of Christ’s atoning sacrifice. The benevolence and brilliance of God in providing a way to sustain His moral government while pardoning transgressors will be clearly seen as you read this wonderful piece of literature.

  315 Pages


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The Atonement as it Relates to God and Man by Nathan Beman is a wonderful exposition on the Governmental View of the atonement of Christ. With precision and excellence the author explains why it was necessary for God’s moral government that the atonement of Christ be made if God is going to pardon sinners, the nature of Christ’s atoning death, and the extent of who this loving sacrifice has been made for. The reader of this book will be left with a crystal clear understanding of the doctrine of atonement.

159 Pages


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Reconciliation and the AtonementReconciliation and the Atonement according to P. P. Waldenstrom is actually two writings compiled into one. The first writing is, “Be Ye Reconciled to God: A Look at the Atonement” by P. P. Waldenstrom and the second is, “The Christian Doctrine of the Atonement According to P. P. Waldenstrom” by Axel Andersson. This book answers the question, “Was the atonement designed to change God or to change man? Is God reconciled to man or is man reconciled to God?” This is a must read for every Christian believer! Paul Petter Waldenström (1838–1917) was a Swedish theologian who became the most prominent leader of the free church movement in late 19th century in Sweden.

123 Pages


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Guide to the Savior: Conditions of Attaining to and Abiding in Entire Holiness of Heart and Life by Charles Finney
is a classic Christian book on the sanctification which is available to men through Christ. These six lectures make up part of the lectures on entire sanctification found in Finney’s Systematic Theology. This book was originally published in 1855 and it is our pleasure to make it available again for the edification of the saints and the glory of God.

91 Pages


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Sermons from the Penny Pulpit by Charles Finney
are classic sermons that Finney preached in London from 1849-1851. God used Finney’s sermons to convert masses in the United States and abroad. This volume is what you could call “Finney Gold!” It contains classic sermons like “Regeneration,” “Holiness Essential to Salvation,” “Quenching the Spirit,” “The Christians Rule of Life,” “Purity of Heart and Life,” “The Sinner’s Self-Condemnation,” “The Conversion of Children,” “Family Government,” “The Rationality of Faith,” and many others. It is our honor and joy to make this precious volume available with these anointed sermons.

611 Pages


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Sermons from the Oberlin Evangelist by Charles Finney Vol. I (of VI) are classic sermons Finney preached from 1839 – 1840. These were sermons that God used to birth revival and sermons that were birthed in revival. This volume is what you could call “Finney Gold!” It contains classic sermons like “True and False Religion,” “True and False Peace,” “Gospel Freedom,” “The Affections and Emotions of God,” “Legal and Gospel Experience,” “Blessedness of Benevolence,” “Death to Sin,” “Communion with God,” “Design or Intention Constitutes Character,” “Salvation Always Conditional,” and many others. Be sure to check out the other five volumes in this series.

720 Pages


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product_thumbnail.php-7Sermons from the Oberlin Evangelist by Charles Finney Vol. II (of VI) are classic sermons Finney preached from 1841- 1844. These were sermons that God used to birth revival and sermons that were birthed in revival. This volume is what you could call “Finney Gold!” It contains classic sermons like “Submission to God,” “Love Worketh No Ill,” “Entire Consecration a Condition of Discipleship,” “A Seared Conscience,” “Thy Will Be Done,” “Ability and Inability,” “God Under Obligation To Do Right,” “Nature of True Virtue,” “Habitual Holiness the Test of Christian Character,” “Way to be Holy,” “Necessity and Nature of Divine Teaching,” “Justification,” “The Benevolence of God,” and many others. Be sure to check out the other five volumes in this series.

691 Pages


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product_thumbnail.php-7Sermons from the Oberlin Evangelist by Charles Finney Vol. III (of VI) are classic sermons Finney preached from 1845-1848. These were sermons that God used to birth revival and sermons that were birthed in revival. This volume is what you could call “Finney Gold!” It contains classic sermons like “Dependence on Christ,” “Trusting in God’s Mercy,” “The Old Man and the New,” “Having a Good Conscience,” “The Nature of Impenitence and the Measure of Its Guilt,” “The Rule by which the Guilt of Sin is Estimated,” “Forfeiting Birth-right Blessings,” “On Becoming Acquainted with God,” “All Things for Good to those that Love God,” “All Events Ruinous to the Sinner,” “Heart Condemnation, A Proof that God Also Condemns,” “Refuges of Lies,” “The Excuses of Sinners Condemn God,” “Conditions of Being Saved,” “Substitution,” and others. Be sure to check out the other five volumes in this series.

689 Pages


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product_thumbnail.php-8Sermons from the Oberlin Evangelist by Charles Finney Vol. IV (of VI) are classic sermons Finney preached from 1849 – 1853. These were sermons that God used to birth revival and sermons that were birthed in revival. This volume is what you could call “Finney Gold!” It contains classic sermons like “God’s Anger Against the Wicked,” “Jesus, Savior from Sinning,” “The Self-Hardening Sinner’s Doom,” “God Not Pleased with the Death of the Wicked,” “The Peace of God Ruling in the Christian’s Heart,” “The Loss When A Soul is Lost,” “Repentance Before Prayer for Forgiveness,” “God’s Love to Sinners as Seen in the Gospel,” “Guilt Modified by Ignorance,” “Salvation Difficult to the Christian – Impossible to the Sinner,” “Men Invited to Reason Together With God,” “The Sinner’s Excuses Answered,” “God’s Love for a Sinning World,” “Jehovah’s Appeal to Sinners and Backsliders,” and many others. Be sure to check out the other five volumes in this series.

697 Pages


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product_thumbnail.php-9Sermons from the Oberlin Evangelist by Charles Finney Vol. V (of VI) are classic sermons Finney preached from 1854 – 1857. These were sermons that God used to birth revival and sermons that were birthed in revival. This volume is what you could call “Finney Gold!” It contains classic sermons like “Converting Sinners A Christian Duty,” “Christ Our Advocate with the Father,” “God’s Commandments Not Grievous,” Where Sin Occurs God Cannot Wisely Prevent It,” “The Ways of Sin Hard; Of Holiness, Pleasant,” “On Neglecting Salvation,” “Conscience and the Bible in Harmony,” “Men, Ignorant of God’s Righteousness, Would Fain Establish Their Own,” “On the Atonement,” “The Sinner’s Natural Power and Moral Weakness,” “Moral Insanity,” “On Sinning,” “The Wrath of God Against Those Who Withstand His Truth,” and many others. Be sure to check out the other five volumes in this series.

535 Pages


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product_thumbnail.php-10Sermons from the Oberlin Evangelist by Charles Finney Vol. VI (of VI) are classic sermons Finney preached from 1858 – 1862. These were sermons that God used to birth revival and sermons that were birthed in revival. This volume is what you could call “Finney Gold!” It contains classic sermons like “The Doom of Those Who Neglect The Great Salvation,” “Abiding in Christ and Not Sinning,” “The One Thing Needful,” “On Leaving One’s First Love,” “Christ’s Yoke is Easy,” “Wherefore Do the Wicked Live,” “The Kingdom of God in Consciousness,” “Profit and Loss; Or the Worth of the Soul,’ “Sinners Not Willing to be Christians,” “Any One Form of Sin Persisted In Is Fatal To The Soul,” “Revival,” “Moral Depravity,” and many others. Be sure to check out the other five volumes in this series.

509 Pages


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Letters on Revival from the Oberlin Evangelist by Charles G. Finney is a classic piece of Christian literature. It has previously been published by others as “Revival Fire” and “Reflections on Revival.” This book contains the original letters that Finney wrote that were published in the Oberlin Evangelist in 1845 and 1846.

155 Pages


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Who Will Rise Up” by Brother Jed Smock is one of the greatest books on evangelism that I have ever read. It greatly inspired me when my ministry was first starting out and continues to inspire me today. It’s educational, encouraging and entertaining. This will be a book that I will continue to read often until the end of my life.”
-Jesse Morrell, Open Air Outreach

406 Pages


To Order: Click Here


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